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Transit Development Plans

Transit Development Plans (TDPs) help transit operators improve their efficiency and effectiveness by identifying the need and required resources for modifying and enhancing services provided to the general public. TDPs also help operators effectively execute the planning, funding, and implementation of public transit services. These plans provide a solid foundation for funding requests and feed directly into the programming process. To capture the benefit of this planning tool, DRPT requires that any public transit operator receiving state funding prepare, adopt, and submit a TDP.

DRPT has worked with transit operators across the Commonwealth to complete TDPs. DRPT has worked with transit operators across the Commonwealth to complete TDPs. Plans are completed every ten years with the option to update after five years.

Developing a TDP generates many benefits. The plan:

  • Serves as a management and policy document for the transit operator
  • Provides DRPT with the information necessary for programming and planning requirements
  • Provides a clear and up-to-date record of the transit operator’s capital and operating budgets in order to assess the operator’s financial capacity to carry out proposed levels of service and capital improvements
  • Provides the basis for inclusion of an operator’s capital and operating programs in the Six-Year Improvement Program, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, Transportation Improvement Program, and Constrained Long Range Plan
  • Maximizes the investment of public funds and achieve the greatest possible public benefit
  • Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of public transportation services in Virginia

Who is this for?

Transit agencies receiving state funding that do not serve an urbanized area with a population greater than 50,000 and that do not have a bus fleet of at least 20 buses.


TDPs must be adopted by the operator’s governing body. Agencies will meet annually with DRPT staff to discuss progress on implementing the TDP, and any proposed changes to the plan in preparation for the upcoming fiscal year.