Along the Northeast Regional Line in Virginia, eight state-sponsored, roundtrip trains run daily through grant agreements with Amtrak.

The CTB coordinates the planning for the financing of transportation needs, including needs for railways and public transportation.

OIPI promotes transparency and accountability of the programming of transportation funds.

The Port of Virginia is the second-largest port on the East Coast by tonnage, made up of over 55 public and private marine terminals.

VirginiaNavigator works with DRPT to streamline access to specialized transportation services for Virginia’s older adults, people with disabilities, Veterans and caregivers via Virginia Transportion Finder

DRPT manages the intercity bus service, which includes four routes in Western and Central Virginia. The goal of the service is to connect underserved communities to interregional bus, rail, and auto travel.

VPRA promotes, sustains, and expands the availability of state-supported passenger and commuter rail.

VTrans is the statewide transportation plan that lays out the overarching vision and goals for transportation in the Commonwealth and plans to achieve those goals.

VDOT is responsible for building, maintaining, and operating Virginia’s roads, bridges, and tunnels.