I-495 Southside Transit & TDM Study


The purpose of the I-495 Southside Transit/Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Study was to identify a range of current and future multimodal solutions that could be implemented to reduce congestion, improve trip reliability and regional connections, and enhance existing and planned multimodal mobility and connectivity in the study area with a potentially expanded Express Lanes system. The study area focused on I-495 between the Springfield interchange (I-95/I-395/I-495) in Fairfax County, Virginia, and the MD 210 interchange in Prince George’s County, Maryland. The study area also included the Metrorail and Virginia Railway Express lines between Springfield and Alexandria that parallel I-495.

The study was conducted by DRPT to inform the National Environmental Policy Act evaluation process underway for the I-495 Southside Express Lanes Study by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Final Report
Executive Summary

Alexandria DASH


The study was multifaceted and inventoried existing rail transit service, bus transit service, park and ride facilities, and TDM programs in the study area.


The study identified new transportation alternatives that could increase mobility; prioritized near-, mid-, and long-term transit and TDM service improvements; identified ways to maximize use of multimodal facilities; and identified opportunities to utilize technology to support new travel options.