FY18 Agency Report


DRPT is the state’s lead agency on providing financial assistance to promote transit and transportation demand management (TDM) throughout Virginia. Fiscal Year 2018 was an exciting and productive year for transit and TDM in Virginia. The partnership between DRPT and the Virginia Department of Transportation has led to SMART SCALE and toll revenues continuing to provide new streams of revenue for the expansion of transit services throughout the Commonwealth, especially in Northern Virginia.

Full Report


The Secretary of Transportation, in consultation and cooperation with the Commissioner of Highways and the Director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation, shall annually, not later than November 1, submit to the General Assembly a report on actions taken by the Commonwealth, local governments, and regional transportation authorities to (i) increase transit use and (ii) reduce highway congestion and use of single-occupant vehicles through programs and initiatives involving transportation demand management, transit use, telecommuting, carpooling, construction of commuter parking facilities, use of flexible work hours, and telecommunications technology.


As the Commonwealth’s population continues to grow and more individuals need transportation options, transit, vanpooling, carpooling, telework, and other TDM services will play a significant role in helping meet the demands and needs of Virginians. TDM services reduce congestion and the number of single-occupant vehicle trips as well as increase the use of transit.