The FTA Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program requires that any activity funded under this program be supported by a coordinated transportation plan that assesses current services and transportation needs of seniors and people with disabilities, identifies strategies to address service gaps, and sets priorities for project implementation.
Programs funded under the FTA Section 5310 program must align with strategies defined in the Coordinated Human Service Mobility (CHSM) Plan. When applying for Section 5310 funding through DRPT, applicants must demonstrate how their project aligns with the CHSM strategies and actions. This document can also be used to guide other transportation projects across the Commonwealth, and should represent statewide needs, challenges, and goals for the next three years.
The plan undergoes a comprehensive update every six years, and a data update every three years. The plan was developed with significant public input received through meetings, ride-alongs, surveys, and interviews over a period of several months in 2019, as well as a series of surveys of riders and providers for the 2022 update.