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FY22 Transit Ridership Incentive Program Overview


The 2020 General Assembly established the Transit Ridership Incentive Program (TRIP) in Virginia Code § 33.2-1526.3 with two distinct goals: to improve regional connectivity of urban areas with a population in excess of 100,000 and to reduce barriers to transit use for low-income riders. This report provides an annual update on the program.

Full Report

A photographic image of a bus parked next to a crowded sidewalk with pedestrians in the background and a bicycle in the foreground.


DRPT implemented the program in FY22. The agency conducted outreach from fall 2020 to winter 2021. In July 2021, the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved the policy documents. The TRIP application period for the first round opened in August 2021.


For FY22 and FY23, DRPT allocated TRIP funding to a total of 12 projects that support zero-fare/low income or regional connectivity. So far, DRPT has allocated $24.5 million to multi-year zero-fare/low income projects and $6.2 million to multi-year regional connectivity projects. TRIP grant recipients launched their projects in summer 2022.