FY23 Transit Ridership Incentive Program (TRIP) Overview


The 2020 General Assembly established the Transit Ridership Incentive Program (TRIP) in Virginia Code § 33.2-1526.3 with two distinct goals: to improve regional connectivity of urban areas with a population in excess of 100,000 and to reduce barriers to transit use for low-income riders. This report provides an annual update on the program.

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Radford Transit


TRIP has undergone several changes since its creation in 2020, mostly because of the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on transit as well as evolving transit priorities. DRPT implemented the program in FY22 with the first round of transit projects receiving TRIP funding.


So far, DRPT has allocated $60.4 million in TRIP funding to a total of 19 projects — most of which operate over multiple years — that support zero-fare or reduced-fare programming or regional connectivity.