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Making Efficient and Responsible Investments in Transit (MERIT)

Program Background

Making Efficient and Responsible Investments in Transit is a statewide grants program that provides financial assistance to support public transportation services throughout Virginia.


Individually Administered Grant Programs

Operating Assistance

DRPT provides funding for operating expenses for eligible public transportation services. DRPT uses a performance-based methodology to determine the specific allocation of operating assistance funds to each operating transit agency. The program funds no more than 30 percent of all operating expenses borne by public transportation operators.

Capital Assistance

DRPT uses a prioritization process to allocate and assign resources to capital projects and investments. Under this process, DRPT scores and prioritizes projects in the following categories.

Demonstration Project Assistance

DRPT administers the demonstration project assistance program, which is a competitive grant program that supports local efforts to improve transit reliability, access to housing and employment centers, and public transportation mobility options.

Technical Assistance

RPT’s technical assistance grant program support studies, plans, research, data collection, and evaluation projects to help improve public transportation services. This includes providing technical analysis and guidance on operations, service delivery, customer service, expansions of service, and program delivery.

Public Transportation Workforce Development Program

DRPT supports the hiring of apprentices who are interested in pursuing careers in public transportation.

Application Resources and Timeline

For detailed information on the application timeline, goals, eligibility requirements, eligible expenses, and application process for all DRPT administered grants programs, view the resources below:

Application Timeline

  • October 1, 2024
    DRPT began accepting pre-applications for MERIT – Capital Assistance Major Expansion Applications for Fiscal Year 2026
  • December 1, 2024
    DRPT will begin accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2026

DRPT's WebGrants

DRPT’s WebGrants site is the portal that allows DRPT’s partners to apply for funding, submit reimbursement requests, manage grants, and report performance requirements.